Tuesday, March 10, 2015

July 21 2014-10

From Roger

I loved that man and I was sure he loved me, we never spoke it to each other because it was understood. I will always remember something he said to me that brought laughter to the both of us, we were at Allen organ company and someone starting play gospel music on one of the organs and he turned to me and said " I must have some black genes in me because I love gospel music "
He was a dad to me as well and he helped me to grow up and to face my responsibilities like a man of principle. He once offered to come to my church when I was having problems and to speak to my members about my credibility as a man and a person of trust.
He chewed me out when he could have fired me because he saw something in me that I didn't see in myself.
Out of all of the men I have met and known in my life, he was the #1
Bless you, P Maurice Fox happy birthday,

July 21 2014-9

From Victor

The typewriter! How is it that no one has mentioned that Blue typewriter!

In a way, I think he cherished that thing.

One could learn very quickly by the meter at which he was typing as to whether it was a good time it interrupt.

The times when he shared his stories of Joy were not just the best, it was also the way that he would share them. 

Stories about family, personal experiences, and business challenges and conquests made you feel as if you had been present at the time.

He did much to mold us all!  

There is no doubt that he gave more than he took in this life!

July 21 2014-8

From Jeni

Dear All,
I only hope that all these emails are as comforting to all of you as they are to me. I was so happy when I heard Diane baked a cake for Dad as I so desperately wanted this day to continue to be about Zaida....then I saw all these unbelievable, heart warming emails full of love and laughter. Thank Gd the tissue box wasn't far away.
I wish I had that one story I could pull from the memory bank.....

Maybe my dad as a HUSBAND...It could be watching my Dad take such amazing care of Mama always and forever as the "Coffee Fairy" or the grocery shopper (who had to call Mama from the grocery store incessantly to make sure he didn't bring home the wrong thing) or getting upset if she was upset or laughing until he cried just because she found something funny, or covering her with a blanket because she was cold or getting frustrated like a little kid because for some reason or another mama wasn't happy about something and he just couldn't be happy.

Or maybe it was him as a FATHER, tucking me in at night as a little girl or sitting on his lap or watching him fold his hankie (as someone else said) or being very careful that his pants not get wrinkled if a grandchild wanted his lap, or his morning/ or post laughter cough (which i have unfortunately inherited) or the smell of his aramis aftershave wafting through the house or the checks he would leave for mary nelson consistently on the counter in the kitchen throughout my life, that then became two checks because he bought her a car and was paying the car payments (but not sure we were ever told that because he just did things with no fan fare because he felt it was the right thing to do) or really never remember having been denied anything and always knowing that my parents were behind me 100%, and my dad sitting at the type writer typing/"correcting"/ writing my papers for me!!! Or the penny he returned to the store where we purchased something because it wasn't honest to keep it.

Or my dad as a BUSINESS MAN and COMMUNITY SERVANT! Honest, upstanding, loved by all, a proud Jew, meticulous, lover of jokes (that were so embellished each time he retold it that it had almost changed from its original telling),lover of people and loved by all, but most of all by all of us!!! Who love him and miss him and take great comfort in knowing that his incredible, quiet and noble deeds have given him a front row seat right next to Hashem!!! How lucky can we will be to have merited having a father, grandfather, greatgrandfather, husband, uncle, friend and boss like our ZaidA!!!
Happy bday dad! Hope the pizza is good up there!!!

July 21 2014-7

From Daniel

Thank you all for shareing 
I have t been able to make thru anyones story in one reading so i doubt i cant express a full one of my own but some short one liners

His v neck undershirt
Whitey tighties with he saggy butt
Always pressed shirt and pants nice shoes
Or the hidious orange that he got for 25 bucks so he could stomp on clemson w every step
His passion for america
Tears would roll during nation anthem star spangled banner america the beautiful 
Football games at usc
The blue meecedes
His leather gloves he wore at the country
Or when moshe me and simon went to vandy 
His multiple nipples
His love for nature animals and adventure
His attention to detail
The mAy poles at the country
Hay rides for class trips 
His blessing on shabbos always sealed with a firm hug and a kiss 
How he gave the best direction via road names and landmarks
The name of places to eat on the road and what you shud try and the waiter or waiteress name 
Were the cleanest bathroom were from miami to maine
The speed limit was to fast for anyone to drive but him 
When something wasnt right you could call  him and he could sort thru your thoughts and help make it all make sense 
When simon and i got busted for pressing every button on the elevator so we could jump and that lady was so mad and he thought it was so funny
Or when he caught me and maybe eli joseph dancing on he pool table at the columbia apt he thought this was funny also

July 21 2014-6

From Diane

There are two examples in my life that have molded me into the person that I am that exemplify Dad's unwavering love and support of me as his treasured daughter:

1. When I ran for international president of bbyo in 1978, I was considered to be a "shoe in" to win and I lost by 4 votes. I was crushed and had not made college plans. Zaida took me out into the middle of a lake on a row boat where he and mamma were staying and when we reached the middle, he brought the oars in and said to me," life is like climbing a mountain--there are times when you will reach the summit and then there are times when an unforeseen avalanche will knock you off your feet and down the side of the mountain you just climbed. When you are knocked down, you have a choice to make: be buried by the avalanche or get up and start climbing again with the same gusto as you had when you first began your climb." As many of you know, I have had my share of avalanches but with each fall, I have tried to take the lessons learned and start again!!!

2. I ran track when I was young and each time I competed, zaida was in the stands, rain or shine to share in the race. When I qualifies for state one year in running broad jump, I did so on sheer guts and the spirit of competition that he instilled in me as a young child. One Saturday he called me into his office on King St and asked me if I wanted to win the state title. I said yes and he asked me what my plan was to achieve my goal. I of course did not have one and he suggested that I ask the track coach at Porter Gaud to train me. At that time there were only boys at PG. I was afraid to ask but he really did not give me that choice so I called and I went and I trained and I won and set a new state record. I was elated but no more than he was...many of you remember his famous whistle that could be heard thru a crowd. He whistled thruout the race so I knew he was there. When I won, I ran into the stands to get that warm bear hug embrace. That evening he quietly reminded me of the importance of setting goals and establishing a framework in which to accomplish them and reminded me that hard work pays off!!

Dad was all of our biggest fans and was always there to reinforce the fact that we were his family and that at the end of the day all we have is each other. At shabbos dinner this week Charles shared how dad was always present and humble. I try to live each and ever day with him in my thoughts, heart and soul to guide me to do good to others and treat all humanity with kindness and justice. 

We are truly blessed to have been brought together under his loving umbrella and to be blood or chosen family. It's great to be alive to celebrate his life and to carry on his name.

July 21 2014-5

From David Vail

Dear Fox Family and Friends,

It is indeed and honor and privilege to have known your Dad, Zadia and mentor to many. I know he is proud of all of you. He said many uplifting things to all of us but it was the humble and patient examples he has imparted to us that will live in our hearts and minds.

Being an employee in a grand family business can often be daunting. Your Dad and Zadia had a way to dispel both real and perceived issues. He use multi copy notes that arrived mysteriously in our manual, yes manual inboxes in the accounting office. They were always dated and started out: “see me re:”. To this day I can still see, “see me re” in every aspect of life. As a young not so bright or mature employee, “see me re” notes brought out many feelings. Accountability for decisions, the possibility or not having lived up to expectations and many others. I often would compound the possibilities in my head before trying to choose the right time for the see me part of the re… As I matured under his guidance, the lesson of “see me re:” became a source of joy, as they most often were to congratulate or to enhance one of the many lessons in business and life he  so graciously shared.

Great zadia, a title we all hope to aspire, with your Zadia being the benchmark. On this his birthday, I can see his broad bigger than life smile beaming as we all remember what he taught us and most of all the practice of the principles.

I can already hear Jenny laughing and saying there’s david trying to speak yidish again.


David L. Vail

July 21 2014-4

From Libby

one of my most favorite and cherished moments with Zaida...Daniel and I were given some FRESH redfish and we decided we would share with Momma and Zaida. Momma was a meeting, so Daniel and I went downtown to Dockside 17-D and broiled the fish. 

Zaida took his first bite and all I heard out of his mouth the entire meal was, "there is nothing better than fresh, hot fish." I will never, ever forget that. He was so thrilled with the simplicity of the fresh, hot fish. At that moment that is all I needed, Daniel, Zaida and fresh. hot fish.

I loved the way Zaida always had a handkerchief and every time he would use it to wipe his nose or his eyes (if he was teary over something), would always fold it so perfectly before putting it away in his pocket.

I only knew Zaida for about 8 years, but he definitely filled the void of a grandfather after my grandfather passed away four years ago (June 30 was 4 years). He was a teacher, a mentor, a leader and most importantly a loving child, brother, husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. 

I feel so very honored to have known him, and feel so honored and privileged to be a part of such a loving, kind and generous family of which Zaida was the true patriarch.

I love each and every one of you.

July 21 2014-3

From Moshe

He was so calming.  He used to tell me, "Life isn't always roses Moshe, and even roses have thorns."  Mostly I am so grateful that he was a teacher.  It wasn't enough to tell a story or to experience something, you had to learn a lesson.  Not just learn it and regurgitate, learn it and teach it to someone else.  In life we all face difficult times, including his death, but what makes our Zaida so special is that he had already taught us how to deal with it.  I am going through some rather rough times at work at the moment that are resolved and fine now, but my Mom reminded me of something this morning that I would like to share with everyone in the group (mom don't be mad):

Today, Zaida would be 83 years old...how fortunate we are to have had him as a role model, mentor and grand/dad. One of his greatest attributes, was to teach us that you do not have to be perfect in life but rather one must be present and have humility to learn from every situation.  Honesty and truth to the common man stands above misdeeds!  He was so very proud of each of us so lets continue to give honor to his memory and continue to make him proud as we live our lives with honesty, humility and with love in our hearts for family, friends, and foe...

I remember when he wooped Daniel and I for lieing about how we cut down his new tea tree at the country.  One of many lessons in childhood about honesty from our parents and grandparents, but as an adult (I can say that now I am 30) this is what I am most greatful for. My parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents taught and made me into a trustworthy, caring individual.  In the words of my mother, "You can call me many things, but you can't call me a liar!"

I love you all so very much! Moshe 

July 21 2014-2

From Anna

dad. maybe you can fill in some details, but charlie karesh told such a funny story at the shiva about a time that zaida was up waiting for you in his white undershirt and boxers. sitting in the dark at the table and just jumped out of the blue.

i could just picture it and feel the reaction he must have had.
sadie--i think the wendy's story went more like, we wanted frosty's and so we went to wendy's. when we pulled around they didnt have them and zaida thought the lady had just lied to him after telling him to pull around for his order. she got sassy when he asked her why she did that. who knows. we were both little and when he got out of that car i was scared for that lady.
i remember zaida as this stoic caring loving man. he had a presence i cant explain. one thing he told me when i was telling him about having a hard time with a teacher about getting out of an exam for the jewish holidays he said to me. there is something in life that you learn about being a minority. you cant teach it, you can't explain it, but it is a perspective that while hard to learn, it will make you better at seeing the world. he was right. like he always was.
i remember calling to tell zaida that cam and i were going to have a baby. aunt jenni was there..nto sure of the reason, but now that i think of it..it was likelyt the real beginning of the end. his voice became so clear and he was so excited. he really would have been the very best great grandfather. i wish we had just a little more time and had made those tapes.
last one. i remember sitting at the dinner and shabbos tables and watching zaida after the meal. he would use his index and sometimes his ring finger to gingerly pick up every bread crumb and poppy seed from around his plate and make a nice little pile on the side of his plate. he was meticulous about it..sometiems using his pinky to sweep all the crumb closer to each other, but form some reason even as a child i loved to wait and watch for him to start and could not peel my eyes away.

July 21 2014-1

From Charles

Dad was a one of a kind boss and leader for all of us.... 

below, maybe not a story, but 

a devoted and loving husband

a super duper Daddy - just the best, so wonderful, even when he was tested by some of my very few actions (walter and lowell experienced this much more than I) and his eyes grew on the other side of his glasses... to be sure you not only heard his message but felt it 

a tremendous boss and business leader

a moving, involved,  and positive community compromiser and peace maker 

an awesome grand father - a true Zadia

and would have been the most glowing great grand father - 

am VERY sure he is looking over Jack and Grayce in many ways and all the time 

July 21 2014

July 21, 2014

Hi all,

Today is Zaida's birthday.  I have been thinking of all the amazing stories about him and was wondering (hoping) that you might take a minute to "reply all" and share a story or two about him in memory of his birthday. If not, thats ok too.

I remember going to Wendy's downtown on the crosstown.  I think Anna and maybe Moshe was with us and Momma was there too.  We went through the drive through and the person behind the window gave us our food.  Zaida pulled over to check (I think thats how it happened) and something was not correct so he went up to the window and knocked on it to get the lady's attention to fix the order. Zaida was always willing to go the extra mile for his family, even if it as just to make sure we got the right food from Wendys!

Other memories are tractor rides, "i'll tie you in a knot and throw you on the roof", cutting the azaleas out in the country, clearing his throat, his Citadel ring, how big his hands were and how soft they were.

If you want to share a story, please remember to "reply all" so we can all remember.

Love and miss you.
