Tuesday, March 10, 2015

July 21 2014

July 21, 2014

Hi all,

Today is Zaida's birthday.  I have been thinking of all the amazing stories about him and was wondering (hoping) that you might take a minute to "reply all" and share a story or two about him in memory of his birthday. If not, thats ok too.

I remember going to Wendy's downtown on the crosstown.  I think Anna and maybe Moshe was with us and Momma was there too.  We went through the drive through and the person behind the window gave us our food.  Zaida pulled over to check (I think thats how it happened) and something was not correct so he went up to the window and knocked on it to get the lady's attention to fix the order. Zaida was always willing to go the extra mile for his family, even if it as just to make sure we got the right food from Wendys!

Other memories are tractor rides, "i'll tie you in a knot and throw you on the roof", cutting the azaleas out in the country, clearing his throat, his Citadel ring, how big his hands were and how soft they were.

If you want to share a story, please remember to "reply all" so we can all remember.

Love and miss you.


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