Tuesday, March 10, 2015

July 21 2014-6

From Diane

There are two examples in my life that have molded me into the person that I am that exemplify Dad's unwavering love and support of me as his treasured daughter:

1. When I ran for international president of bbyo in 1978, I was considered to be a "shoe in" to win and I lost by 4 votes. I was crushed and had not made college plans. Zaida took me out into the middle of a lake on a row boat where he and mamma were staying and when we reached the middle, he brought the oars in and said to me," life is like climbing a mountain--there are times when you will reach the summit and then there are times when an unforeseen avalanche will knock you off your feet and down the side of the mountain you just climbed. When you are knocked down, you have a choice to make: be buried by the avalanche or get up and start climbing again with the same gusto as you had when you first began your climb." As many of you know, I have had my share of avalanches but with each fall, I have tried to take the lessons learned and start again!!!

2. I ran track when I was young and each time I competed, zaida was in the stands, rain or shine to share in the race. When I qualifies for state one year in running broad jump, I did so on sheer guts and the spirit of competition that he instilled in me as a young child. One Saturday he called me into his office on King St and asked me if I wanted to win the state title. I said yes and he asked me what my plan was to achieve my goal. I of course did not have one and he suggested that I ask the track coach at Porter Gaud to train me. At that time there were only boys at PG. I was afraid to ask but he really did not give me that choice so I called and I went and I trained and I won and set a new state record. I was elated but no more than he was...many of you remember his famous whistle that could be heard thru a crowd. He whistled thruout the race so I knew he was there. When I won, I ran into the stands to get that warm bear hug embrace. That evening he quietly reminded me of the importance of setting goals and establishing a framework in which to accomplish them and reminded me that hard work pays off!!

Dad was all of our biggest fans and was always there to reinforce the fact that we were his family and that at the end of the day all we have is each other. At shabbos dinner this week Charles shared how dad was always present and humble. I try to live each and ever day with him in my thoughts, heart and soul to guide me to do good to others and treat all humanity with kindness and justice. 

We are truly blessed to have been brought together under his loving umbrella and to be blood or chosen family. It's great to be alive to celebrate his life and to carry on his name.

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